Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dear Creatures Archives

I've been majorly crushing on the Dear Creatures archived collections lately. And not just the clothes. It's the hair, the make-up, the lighting, the set-ups, everything. They're such a perfect mixture of vintage and  modern. Such lovely inspiration!

(an entire collection inspired by Nancy Drew? Childhood Lindsay is pleased:)

Both of these dresses are beautiful! The navy one one the left may be my favorite dress I've seen in awhile. I am loving the sailor look this summer!

Well, I have to go. My husband is getting a bit antsy. He's joining the >sports< blog world today and is itching to post!  I love it:)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Wedding Spot

Bryce and I knew where we wanted to get married even before the engagement. In fact, I remember this face was once an issue with me. I had been attending the same church since I was nine, and the thought of marrying outside of it was absolutely crazy to me. But he said he always wanted to get married at his grandparents' property. And as I started to go there more, I began to agree.

His grandparents purchased the land and did everything essentially by themselves. They put beautiful details into everything! If you look closely at the side of the stairs, you'll see the carvings his grandpa made, and the pictures on the side were all taken by him.

I love how rustic it all is. The floral wallpaper is probably my favorite! It made for some lovely pictures. 

We didn't get many pictures of the front of the house, so I ripped these from Stacy's Facebook:)

 We had a tent set up in case of bad weather, and it covered the brick patio perfectly. It made for a perfect walkway!

The gazebo is also incredibly special to us. It was built twenty-two years ago for Bryce's parents' wedding!

And here are a few more peeks, just for good measure:)

I honestly couldn't have picked out a more lovely place!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Love, Marriage, and a Few Other Things

Hi. My name is Lindsay. Remember me?

Chances are, if you read this blog, you know me personally and know what's going on in my life. If you don't, allow me to fill you in.

This is me:

This is a boy named Bryce:

Bryce and I really liked each other, so he bought me this:

And my awesome parents got me this:

So we could do this:

Now we live here:


So there's the shorthand version of it all. Our wedding was lovely, and I would love to go into depth about it, but I can't, at least not in this post. I plan on breaking it up over the next week. I don't like the idea of squeezing everything from that great day into one tiny blog post.

As far as our house goes, it's a bit of a work in progress. It's actually a duplex (we're the door on the left). I plan on spending an entire post on it as well to give you all a tour. Seriously, it is such an incredible blessing, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

Essentially, I wanted to make this post to let you know that I'm not dead. And I really missed blogging. For real, I was having separation anxiety. Or not. But still. Oh, and my reasoning for the delayed post? We don't have internet, at least not technically. I hijacked Bryce's laptop because it picks up our neighbor's network pretty well. Yeah, yeah, I know. We're working on getting it, but until then, posts may be a bit sporadic. I apologize!

You guys are awesome, you know that?

                                                                                    xoxo Lindsay Fickas

(all wedding pictures are courtesy of Mandi Gummels photography. Go "like" her on Facebook when you get a chance! The engagement ring picture is from my dear friend Clair. And the house picture was taken by me. Hold your snickers, I'm still learning:)