Monday, August 16, 2010

Music Monday: Regina Spektor

I have been in such a Regina Spektor mood lately. Ah! She's great! I love how light she can keep many of her melodies but how her lyrics are always well-written, clever and absolutely wonderful. And her voice? It's so warm and beautiful! Enjoy:)

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So after a series of confusions, I have the week off! And how wonderful, considering it is my last week of Summer! So I'm spending it catching up with friends, crafting (less than two weeks until market day! yikes!), and relaxing. But on top of this, I'm challenging myself.
So here it is. I realize that I tend to get a little bit too wrapped up in how I look (ladies, don't we all?), and I decided to try to break away from this. So for the week, I'm only wearing my clothes (I borrow too much from my sister and my mom), and avoiding heating irons (except for my bangs...I think this is rather understandable:). As most of you know, this last one is pretty major for me. My hair is either always curled or straightened, and boy does it show it! So I'm spending this week letting it breathe and just being content with what I have...especially my skirt and dress collection:) Take that world! Whew!

Oh dear. This is word-heavy! I guess I will put up a picture:)

So does anyone else think porcupines are adorable? I know it's a bit odd, but they are so quirky and cute!

P.s. All these images were snagged from the ever-wonderful


Sunday, August 8, 2010

For the Hardcore Crafters...

So we have all seen our fair share of impressive graffiti, but lately there is a new form of it called "yarnbombing," and it may be one of the prettiest things to ever grace a lamp post. Basically, people will knit a custom-sized piece and sew it on to some drab part of the urban landscape. I think it is about time I dusted off those needles. Anyone with me?
